tangerine taste
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
guys my chinese may not be damn power.
but still i have smthing to share.
de rao ren chu qie rao ren.
it means to forgive and forget.
power boh?


by ~me~ at 5:23 PM ©

Tuesday, November 09, 2004
hi all, in continuation to what alson had said right down there. I think he's talking alot of sense. As a class, we should try to give and take. we can't expect each other to be perfect all the time, and being united is all about accepting everyone's imperfections, that's what love is all about. If you expect everything to be perfect, its simply infatuation with an overly idealised image that you create within yourself. I don't think there is much left to say. after all, if unification is really something that we wish to have, then we should try to find ways to achieve it.

footnote: I'd like to thank all people that turned up for the party at my place on saturday. was really nice to have everyone together and simply chilling out. I know it was kinda boring, but I didn't want everyone distracted by anything else but just being together. cheers all.


by ~me~ at 1:04 PM ©

hey guys. i think we all jus relax kk.
i think i said alot of crap b4, damn paiseh ... but it's not ur fault or anithing lidat. jus generally mody and this was a good place to start with =P so dun take wat i say too seriously ;)

aniways. wats up man. altho i scold the class sometimes but i scold ppl in general, wat i say always goes out to the class as a whole. hm. i try to refrain from any personal insults or sth lidat. not good. i badkstab ppl instead =P haha. i mean, to be frank, we all do talk bad about ppl behind their backs.
but in the end, we still have to face one another for the next 3/4 of a year or mebbe a whole year if we are that "united". c'mon ppl. i noe that sometimes we lack the enthusiasm and stuff, but hey, we are still overall bordering on pleasant in class. can we not maintain that at least ? dun wanna come back next year with everyone staring daggers at one another.
i noe some of us are irritatin, i myself admit that i do go overboard at times. but ... dun forget that we all have our own faults that we might forget everytime we get angry. i noe some of u think that yongcheng may be irritatin or lame sometimes, i do too. well, not irritatin but lame. but i dont think that it's something we should fuss or complain about. he's also the one who keeps the lively beat in class, albeit with his lameness, but it's all done in the good of heart.
furthermore, all of us have our own faults too, and if we jus all focus on yongcheng, it's very unfair for him. we are some of his closest friends in sch, becos we see him alot. i think it can really hurt him more than it does to our class if we do this thingy. c'mon, we only face one of him, but he has to face 20 of us. simple math, who gets the bad end of the deal ?
dun forget, altho we may criticise him and so on. but wen u are sometimes in need of help, who do u seek ? wen sometimes we need someone to tok to or we need to find out stuff, dun we sometimes go to him ? so how can we keep scolding him wen we still turn to him for help ? isnt it very unfair ?
furthermore, it's not like he always try to hurt ppl, he's trying to help by being frank or providing suggestions and stuff, dun take it badly. but he has to face ppl in class always givin him bad looks and complainin about him. dont u think he feels very hurt ? and then some of u go ... but he can feel hurt meh ? or some of u will go ... so wat ?
hey. we are a class. altho we may not all be enthu about sth, but i believe that in a class. a simple thing like being considerate and understanding isnt too much rite ? no matter wat u think of one another, it's still ur understanding and and consideration. it speaks not of ur behaviour, but ur character and upbringing.
thats all for now. hope u can read this over and think


by ~me~ at 8:48 AM ©

Thursday, November 04, 2004

view all pics here. beware. its a long list.

by ~me~ at 7:45 PM ©

Wednesday, November 03, 2004
hey people. clips are up for grabs. but YouSendIt is so slow. -_____-

and i hate yahoo briefcase. so, if u want the clips, add me @ idunnowat@hotmail.com and i'll send thru MSN.


click this to d/l the clip in which erm. yong cheng being attacked by the guys on the bed.. LOL

pics LATER. im lazy at the moment. LOL.


by ~me~ at 10:11 PM ©

Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I'm sure everyone's seen that entry down there regarding the chalet. but onto happier things!

party at my place,
here's the address,
BLK 310,#03-160,
Serangoon Avenue 2,
Singapore 550310,
Republic of Singapore.

Its two blocks away from Nanyang!(only.)
and you can bring anyone you like, so its a one plus one invite to all A5 people!heehee.
Booze(baileys,martini if there is demand), beer(mehmehz),movies(please bring),music(again,please bring),food aka tapas, chips, dip, and of course,snit.You'll find out what that is soon enough.All i need now is everyone to pay five dollars per head so that I don't bust my living allowance.and i will mix cocktails with whatever limited ingredients I have.french dreams galore.
And of course, PEOPLE!!!
stay over if you like, you can go ahead and rip up my house, its gonna get renovated anyway. come over anytime past seven. thanks!


by ~me~ at 2:29 PM ©

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