tangerine taste
Thursday, March 24, 2005
hihi. looks like this blog is pretty dead liao bah.
i was the one who came up with the idea of a blog for our class and isaac took the idea straight away.
i guess as most would realise by now, we are pretty much a fragmented class. yeah, think there's no point denying such things. cos i think that issues have to be brought into discussions in the open such that we can air our tots and thus compromise or sth.
it's quite sad leh. to here and see that we have barely 60 posts. thats really little, since we have like 21 ppl in our class. and it only goes to show how little our class interact and share.
take today for example, eng yeow went around msging ppl in our class to ask u ppl out for a gathering/outing since last week. of cos, some had to go back to sch to retake or take papers today but that was only like a few. others gave vague replies or didnt even bother at all.
i noe ppl may have bad impressions of eng yeow since last year cos he would be more outspoken than most, but i think we must all give in to one another. like wen i posted about the continuous insulting of yong chen. i mean, we are a class, can we not try to accomodate one another. if u really dun wanna go, say so. dun come up with excuses. there's no real need to lie to us, it only makes us all the more sad to know that ppl find lies to tell us so they can dun come out with us.
there's only so much the few enthu ppl can do to establish some sort of class thing. i mean, we dun have even the simplest bond of real friends. i would only term our relationship as acquaintance ? thats why i hesitate to even call us friends here, i'd rather use the word 'classmates' - it is detached and not personal. which is just like our class ppl.
i dun mean to blame ppl. of cos, we are all entitled to have our own opinions about a class and how it should behave. mebbe u are simply wantin to study. mebbe u cant be bothered to even join in. i feel sad for u. and probably a little disgusted and disappointed. cos this may be the kind of ppl that i have been studying with. and these are ppl who are supposed to be the next generation leaders. hai.
or mebbe it's becos it's singapore thats why we are like that.
but i can tell u this - we can blame the government, the school, the teachers and even one another. but wen will we ever get to blame ourselves ???
why cant we blame ourselves for being selfish such that we put more focus in our own studies than personal ties and relationships. in my opinion, u are very naive if u should think studies take more precedence in life. wen u are on the deathbed, wat are u gonna remember ? ur math formulaes or the times u have laughed and joked with ur close friends ? furthermore, grades can always help u open doors, but only ur character can keep it open.
of cos, we also always blame our problems ? and then u'll be blamin me for not being considerate to think in ur shoes. but think again, have u tot in other ppl's shoes ? like mine ? if u have always been so wrapped up in ur problems and wallowing in self pity, slap urself awake. it is simply a waste of time and energy to do that. no one in the world can be completely carefree. every one of us has our own problems but i dun see ppl weeping everywhere.
hai, i always tend to get emotional and ramble on. but wat i wanted to say is this - can we be more enthu bout class things ? i tot my 1st 3 mths was worse since ard 2/3 normally turns up but this is pathetic, we barely have even 1/3 most of the times.
of cos, i mus thank the enthu ppl for helping out everytime like yi shen cos he usually offers to pay for stuff and he let us used his place the last time for convenience sake. of cos .. i also thank those who usually turns up or agrees to join in the fun. if u are troubled, needy of assistance, u can always approach me. and others as well. we'll always try to help lah k. that's wat friends are for. and thats why we gotta stick up together as a class more often cos it helps to build solid foundations for motivation and encouragement. i know i rarely approach ppl in class and talk and stuff, but i do hope even if we cant interact as much in class we can do it outside the class arena. right ?
by ~me~ at 10:28 PM ©

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