tangerine taste
Sunday, October 30, 2005
anyways. this shall be the last i'll be posting about the bunch of morons (excluding people like emily anyways ).
look, i'll never be sorry for what i've said. but i'm getting bored of making fun of you guys so i'll stop. see you during general paper then.
by ~me~ at 11:15 PM ©

first off. i wanna both thank and apologize to emily.
i always thought that you were a nice girl, and you prove me right. i've taken note of what you said and i think it's fair and true. i thank you because you've put it in the manner which hasnt any implication of snobbishnes, which is rare from what i see in the class blog. and i apologize to you because i didnt mean to include you, norman etc. whom i know to be never what i said below.
but lemme just put it this way. i still think your class has quite some morons inside. it could be wrong of me to name people like that, but i'm being frank from a outsider's perspective. but seeing your post is like a breather to me after seeing all that trash from the rest. i admit i too, sound arrogant when i criticise your class but i am not sorry for that.
i hope they can all learn from you. i should too, come to think of it. hehe. good luck for your exams !
by ~me~ at 10:46 PM ©

Saturday, October 29, 2005
GINGERFISH is me. yi sheng, just in case u dint know.

Gingerfish has been known to be more of an inconspicuous character of Marilyn Manson and tends to keep to himself. Ginger Fish replaced original drummer Sara Lee Lucasin 1995 prior to the band's release of Smells Like Children.

he took on the name gingerfish like other marilyn manson members with their first name belonging to a female celebrity icon and the lastname taken from a notorious male serial killer. 'ginger' is from ginger rogers and 'fish' from 'albert fish'.

first i would like to apologise to a few peeps like daniel, raymond, norman and any1 i mite have known from that class.' u guys are my frens and i sorta forgot to omit ur names in my malicious comments. but for the rest of the class...kelv.... or i duno who....whoever...whoever fucked up and stupid enough to say his not affected by my one line of remarks but responded with a fuckin long post which u prob spent an hour of ur precious but pathetic god forsaken life on earth, tts pretty much contradicting. smack out of it dude. u guys arent so cool & gungho as u think u are. it may seem stupid writing in this blog... but i would tell it to ur fuckin faces if u diss my class again. it u got the balls now that u know who i am...come fuck me in the ass...GAYS
by ~me~ at 3:17 PM ©

anyway. i am not gingerfish, but i do know of that person.
and furthermore, i dont like to spoil other people's blogs with not-so-nice words so i wouldnt have tagged anithing bad. but seeing the reply you put on your blog in response to the tag and to my post, you are seriously hypocritical. *pat pat* i am too, but at least i can admit it freely, so it doesnt turn on me see ;)

by ~me~ at 11:23 AM ©

alson here again.
before i say anything, i am stressing that i am fully responsible for whatever i've posted. so if you need to address anything regarding this issue to anyone, just put my name on your post please.
anyway, stop romantisicing this issue here. it's not bad blood. simply because i dont even treat you seriously, so why would i care about anything you say except for the fact that it amuses me. yes, i know i sound crazy sometimes, but as i was reading your recent entries again, i felt that it was kinda amusing. why ... cause it shows how much you are still dreaming. of course you wont agree with me, but was just letting you know from an outsider point of view how stupid you guys seem.
look, i refrained from downright cursing and swearing at you for two reasons. one is that you dont deserve that emotional stress from me and second is that i was being very polite already. you havent had a taste of worse, cause i didnt want to break your fragile hearts. stop thinking along the lines of 'oh, i'll not debase myself', i'll not lower myself to this level'. alot of tosh. you're not anywhere above anyone to start with, except for your ego probably. you may try to lace your language with flowery words and phrases, but in reality you are just wasting everyone's precious time when we spend less time and effort to say the same thing. you have to resort to using language as a weapon to make yourself on a seemingly higher ground. but i tell you, i've seen people who are better than you but they keep from using those because ' the empty vessels make the most noises '.
furthermore, you say or imply that i have no 'right' to lecture you on your ego and mannerism. fine. first near-to-clever thing i heard so far. i admit that i have no right to tell you about your flaws, but then it's the internet, and there's something called ' freedom of expression '. i never asked you to stop posting trash, did i ? that is because i respect your rights. and because i too have my rights , incidentally, that is why i can post what i like about your idiocies. if you didnt even take what i say seriously, then why even blog to rebuke. you dont call that rebuking, fine, i'll give it a nicer term - protecting your class. i was just being nice enough to let you know of how others would and could think of your class. and of course, since i couldnt help myself, i made it an insult =).
sigh, look. stop all these 'let's be gentleman' trash. i was in cat high and i had enough of four years of stressing on being a gentleman ( just go past my school and you'll see it all over the wall -.- ) and for awhile when i was in jc i used to think like that. but then i realise that it was stupid because it was something that we all try to make ourselves seem special and it also seemed sorta pretentious. so i dropped it. when you keep telling yourself this, it's actually damn dumb. why do you think you are the only gentleman ? what is your perception of a gentleman ? are you sure you can even fulfill the criteria ? like i said, dont let your ego take you to where you cannot go.
you claim there's no facade. but when you blog and say that you dont care about what i say and 'oh, i still love my class and we're great' and then you go on to counter all the points i've listed, it's damn fake lah. and i see the way you guys talk and act, it's also damn *rolls eyes*. it's not only my opinion, i wouldnt dare to act on my own impulse ( actually i do but yeah ) but it's after hearing from different people.
and what's with all that shit this and shit that ? implies you are actually bothered by what i say. congragulations ! and it's damn 'tiaong' when you keep saying shit with such an angry tone ( tsk tsk ) and then go on to tell everyone in your class that you are a gentleman. look, i admit that i too have so many of my own flaws, but i wont hesitate to list them out if you want. and yes, i do love my class. but i think that every other class is as great and everyone is as great too. i would never dreamed of putting my class above everyone else. but it's because i like my class very much which is why i call it a great class without the tone of 'we are better than everyone else' of course. it's one thing to be proud, like i said before and another to sound like you're better than everyone. we are all different because of our varied circumstances but when it comes to potential, who really knows ?
of course, while saying all these, i know it's a wasted effort on my part because you'll simply resume your 'oh god, i'm so good and so are the rest of my classmates' routine. it's like being a bimbo without the looks, which is very very turn off *pat pat*. but anyways, nice knowing you. ( that was also part of being polite, hehe. )
by ~me~ at 10:44 AM ©

Thursday, October 27, 2005
ouch alson, very ouch.
by ~me~ at 8:36 PM ©

alright. i didnt want to do this. because i wanted to be nice and not burst people's bubble and because i was too lazy. hehe.
the issue i am referring to is not any of our class conflicts nor does it involve anyone from our class. i believe everyone is too busy mugging now anyways, so no time for clashes.
i am talking about 04a1a's class blog. when i saw it, two reactions came to my mind. one is the 'tiaong' feeling we get when things are really moronic and the other is the i-cant-believe-these-people feeling. i am talking about things in general of course. there are peope inside whom i think are still nice but because it's their class so they go along with it. look, if any of the a1a people read this, this is not a case of me being mean just cause i'm jealous. this is a case when an objective and neutral person goes to your class blog, look around and am truly irked by what you write.
let's just talk about your title dealing with something about your class being the best. it is a typical case of ego feeding ego. really. i know you probably wont believe what i say anyway, but please do take offense at what i say. it'll show that you can actually understand. many of you people are very wrapped up in your dreams. yes, it's true your class performed well in the prelims and the tests before it. but no, it's not due to your brilliance or your remarkable knowledge. i'd like to think that i am helping you guys by waking you up verbally before your ego makes you suffer later on in life. you think you people are very special, that's what you think. most of the people around are sometimes embarassed but mostly annoyed by what you say or do because it's either very irritating or embarassing. anyways, back to your studies. hey, dont think you are great because you scored well, come try our combination and we'll see how you do. it's not an excuse for my class to do badly generally but i tell you what, i've seen many of my classmates struggle very hard against the odds and i am proud of them not because of their grades, but because of their effort and resilience. i wont say something as irresponsible as 'you have got it easy because your combi is easy for you'. but let me say this: your combination is definitely alot easier to do than ours.
to be fair, different classes have different aptitude and passion for different subjects. i say this which is very true, 04a5 is a class where people are interested beyond normal lessons, what we each pursue are definitely more meaningful than just scoring. take me for example, i like to learn and explore more of the human pysche because i want to help my students when i become a teacher. if we score, we are pleased with our hard work. we do not go around boasting that we are the best class with amazing students. it is one thing to share the pleasure of succeeding together but another to act all smug like you're better human beings. on the contrary, i think it makes you lesser of a person because it shows how much pride and ego has eroded away your virtues. anyway, i've looked around and saw your 101st post. yeah, the clothes are nice alright, but are your class people good looking enough to wear it ? please, i beg of you, if you want to think you're so clever, you can because you can still lie to yourselves in the immediate future. but dont think you're glamorous or gorgeous in any way, it's revolting. at least have the semblance of mind to note that people can read and it really turns people off ( people who know you, anyway ). i dont mean that you are hideous or anything near that but dont let your ego take you to where you cannot go. i myself am not even good looking, maybe even less than average but i accept the reality and i never would dream of boasting myself as being gorgeous. it's good to dream, but you must remember to come back to reality. if you are truly good looking, even the worst of clothes cannot take away your looks. to seek something that we all know and you know you dont have ( even if you are not aware ) can seem materialistic and stupid.
dealing with my 04a5's conflicts. yes, it may seem all very nice for you in your dreamland that you've never quarrelled in your blog. but hey, my class is very open. we do not hide our agendas in class. whatever that happens we talk it out. i agree that some of our discussions have not been very constructive or objective. but let me tell you this, it's reality that conflicts happen. it's simply a case of different personalities. it's not like we're less nice people than you are. if you spout that kind of nonsense in my face, i'll ensure that you will not be able to talk for one week, at least. do not insult my friends. they have some of the better personalities that i've come across in my life. and i tell you, because of our conflicts and clashes, we better understand each other. we've seen the darker and uglier side of evryone. to be friends, just like one another for their nice-ness, but to become true friends we have seen and embraced one another's uglier side. not everyone of course. but we have each found great friends that will be true to one another. so no, i dont even envy your class at all. i pity you people, in fact.
anyways. am too lazy to continue on the rambling. not worth the effort to say anymore. you'll probably ignore it or most possibility erase it from your memories since it couldnt have happened since you are such a great class and all. lucky i dont get to see any of your little moronic acts in sch anymore.
on a lighter note. it's nice that you're such great friends. but after spending time with some of you, i doubt you are really true to yourselves and to your classmates as well. for your own sake, i hope you change.
for my own class 04a5, persevere on pumpkins. for the sake of your future and dreams.

alson. look, go on and hate me. at least it'll mean a few more people will remember me. i'll really like the 'popularity'. and not like i'll bother myself with you -.- ... and oh yes, you owe me something for wasting my time writing about you and yes, feel free to rebuke me. i love a good argument.
by ~me~ at 7:34 PM ©

Saturday, October 15, 2005
I have here one retouched photo. Click if you want it, I don't know if it'll still work if you want to develop it since I cropped it, but it's at the original resolution.

I'm sorry but I do not offer pimple and eyebag removal services, all that was changed were colours and focus.

by ~me~ at 5:44 PM ©

Thursday, October 13, 2005
college life is over.
for now at least, who knows whether i'll have to return for another year if my grades dont make it.
countless people around the world constantly put themselves through this rigorous system of education. in search of a better future for themselves. all of us here included. dont people get tired of all this competition, of the endless need to propel themselves to a greater height ? we cant settle for the simple but neccessary things that makes our life worth living.
i think, in this 2 years in nanyang for me has been worth living. though i've met with more failures than success, i believe the lessons i've learnt made me even more aware of myself. and i've made friends. really great pals and gals that made my life here the best it could ever get.
i know it sounds naive to say that in the end grades dont matter, but for me i think it's true. wats the big deal about those 4 As anyway ? if one can achieve that, congragulations, if not, no point to keep thinking about that. count your blessings instead. instead of counting your As, count how many friends you've made. instead of thinking how hard it is to get into whatever university, think of how far you've travelled with your friends.
i think in the end. we all die. all the certificates matter not in the end. all are just pieces of paper. but the things you go through in life make up the pieces of your heart. which would you choose, the paper or the heart ?
although the graduation ceremony was abit turn off at times or most of the times, i think there are still some parts like the video clip or something someone said in a speech that caused a twinge in your heart and that you'll remember.
i think that if your grades are average, be happy. not contented, but pleased. you may not have hit high grades, but think of the 100 plus others who've scored lower ( including me ). by looking down on your grades, you are implying that you look down on those who've scored worse. so yeah. try to look at it on the bright side to motivate yourself to work harder.
i've seen people cry during graduation day. i myself was also very moved by the sadness in realising that we are finally leaving this chapter. flashes of memories fly past. first day i stepped into the atrium, ushered by the ogls. till now. fast aint it, how time travels. that now we're all on this crossroads again. the similar one we were on after the o levels. some of our paths may cross, some lead to places so far we may never meet again. but you know what, at least we've been given this chance to have met. even though our journey together has been rather short, our times together has been etched forever in my heart.
my friends. i bid you farewell. i thank you from the bottom of my heart. for being a part of my life, a part of my memories and a part of my heart. the next 20 days will be gruelling. but persevere. because if you do so, it makes your reward even more glorious, even more lasting. we live only once, but if we play it right, once is long enough.
remember, you're never alone. even in your darkest days, there is always a way out. have faith, stay strong. and let us walk towards the glorious sunset in the horizon into our seperate futures. goodbye.

by ~me~ at 8:36 PM ©

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