tangerine taste
Sunday, February 19, 2006
wow, time flies, feburary is gg to be over soon (28 daes nia) and soon march is coming, so is THE dae. haha. yea the blog seems real dead, damn dead. maybe much of u all r bz with work, army and other tings, so did u all forget abt tis blog. yea, hope tt tis blog wld be the channel for the ct to make announcements abt wats gg on and watever la. haha, yea, aniwae, there r some ppl hu realli did quite mia since 21-11-2005 and some since prom. well, maybe a class gathering is on the wae soon. lets see how den. till den, hope tt all of u are doing fine now.

Jian Lin (with a runny nose on 190206)
by ~me~ at 11:56 AM ©

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