tangerine taste
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

"all my hopes and dreams in the form of a girl,
and in a smile, she was gone."

christmas day.

merry xmas to all, and to you alson. you certainly have come a long way(religiously), considering your wishing us all a merry x mas. haha. I had fun today, and the song(thanks to iz) 23 by jimmy eat world was so fitting. jamming covers in the attic was whack but we always had fun, being whack. skating boards and kick scooters after gushing down booze & wine, we just redefined 'having a drink and hitting the road'. heh. we never grew sick of the same jokes or games so lets keep going at it.

all i can think of now is that i never lived these 4 years in vain since i had you guys. vietnam ahead! ha.

thank you god for today, for my family and friends.
by ~me~ at 11:25 PM ©

First of all, i wish all who still visits this place a Merry Christmas. Just reading Yi shen's post conjured mixed feelings. but i gotta agree with him. and this brings about something with a little relevance - new year resolutions. haha.

alright. although i dont really follow my resolutions but i'll try alright. let me start first.

1. cut down smoking. haha. i'll aim to cut down cigarettes expenditure by 50% in three months time.

2. stop pining for love. it's ridiculous to devote half my energies to think about needing a girlfriend and stuff. argh.

3. earn enough to go to vietnam and hopefully bali before school starts in aug. money cant buy everything, but it's indispensible.

4. formalise my intent and determination to teach. i've been wavering on how and even whether i should teach, it's time to step forward and leave this shadow of uncertainty.

5. stop being a bitch. haha, no more bitch fits, alright.

now that ive listed the few more pertinent resolutions of mine. maybe it'll get you guys to share what you want to accomplish in the coming year. haha. it's been a good run, with certain pleasant and unpleasant things happenning over the past 12 months. but we've grown and hopefully, matured. haha. the ball's in your court.

by ~me~ at 2:23 PM ©

Saturday, December 22, 2007
when we were young, we were told that we were matured if we thought about our future and how it would affect the people around us.

being matured was thus, to be "Dong shi".

when we grew a little older and fell in love, our immatured friends thought that we were matured if we could look beyond the immediate hurt to let go of a relationship gone bad. Taking hurt in stride thus came to be a juvenile form of maturity.

As soon as we began to figure out the immediate affairs of the world and talk about them rationally, we developed what some may call, a 'maturing perspective'.

However intellectually slanted our opinions could be, or confident in our demeanours when confronted with the daily burdens of the ordinary man, we realised that a 'maturing perspective' had to go beyond words and proverbs, by actually embracing the realities of the irreconciliable, and set forth to live a life that is driven by a meaning or goal(ambiguously tied to a purpose but relentlessly pursuing a self identity) "Your soul is indeed, in Tolstoy's turn of phrase, a deep dark forest. Even when your goals are vain, your universe is not empty, but full of armorial bearings.".

While many of us skip this epiphany of the mind and heart, all of us strive to exert an influence on others or strive to define ourselves and our lives. Because if we dont, our life will be cycle of repetition, languidity with bouts of ups and downs driven by only pleasure and sorrow. a good friend of mine once told me that if he had to define his life, it would be by the influence he had on people. However 'matured' we may come to be in our jobs and in the perception of our friends, we fail to be a truly matured individual in the very first place if from cradle to grave we neglect responsibilities to our families. Therefore, in spite of all our goals and visions, we are nothing when we realise the dependence we always had on our families. When we seek to understand that our families can be individuals who have emotional needs and we learn to be considerate towards them, we are in their eyes, a 'growing matured individual'.

maturity will come and go and leave us all different points of our lifes. We cannot say that by leading a certain life we have become matured. We must consider the consequence of our actions on others and ourselves and make choices that may be right but not necessarily good for ourselves. It is not how near or far we judge an issue, but from within and outside that we do. By considering the thoughts and circumstances of others while considering our own.

by ~me~ at 7:33 PM ©

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
fotos from the past few weeks/months
IZ'S 20TH, binge niteouts, weekly sunday coffee sessions etc

i intended to post the pics from the last few days, but this is gonna end up more like 'the year in pictures'.

some quite happening, some use your imagination*


alvin, thanks for all the late nite drives home. I enjoyed it.

to all our 'family friends', thanks for hanging around.

to all those who werent there, we missed you.
by ~me~ at 11:47 PM ©

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