tangerine taste
Sunday, March 23, 2008
pardon my language but CHAO CHEE BYE.

some singaporeans are reeeeeeally fucked up man. for those who dont know, i'm working at the starhub phone directory now. some motherfucker old man called asking for a number and couldnt pronounce the name properly. so obviously i tot it was some obscure company. tried to help by asking for location so i can search better. then he started shouting and cursing at me irrationally. what the fuck. he's the extreme case la. but alot of people who call can be sooooo bitchy. if you can search so damn well, you wouldnt be calling us right. losers. and you take it out on us knowing we cant say shit but yes sir, sorry sir. cowards.

alson, huffing and fuming like maaaaaaaaaaad.
by ~me~ at 10:29 PM ©

right. according to yi sheng, leong (is that how you spell it ?) has left pool junction. sigh. there goes a great man. pool junction will never be the same without him and his satan loves you or sweet masquerade. a toast to the fallen, the devil - he who still carried the light, but in a glass.

anyway, on a different matter. anyone seen the papers on friday ? displaying profiles on the young but powerful people in the governement. maximum age was like 30 but they're all like directors of certain branches or deputies of certain major offices. used to have a certain dislike or skepticism towards them. may seem irrational, haha, it isnt though. but recently i've been thinking and re-evaluating my life again.

i've come to a new conclusion. either i beat them or i join them. my goal is to enter lee kuan yew's school of public policy. it overrides my teaching dream. i will still teach, but for now all my energies in school will be geared towards entering that place first. no more excuses. really man, we're too old already.

by ~me~ at 12:41 PM ©

Friday, March 21, 2008

by ~me~ at 12:53 PM ©

Friday, March 14, 2008
hi buggers, haven't seen you guys for a long time, missing you dudes already. HAHA.

Anyways, a bit of a disclaimer before i carry on:

The following post is merely a form of emo-indulgence, any one who does not wish to have their day tarnished by my emo-centric ramblings, please do not read on.

OK! that said, so you guys know i'm in japan. Can't say its been a spectacular getaway, being stuck with relatives whom i don't normally hang out with and all, there's a prevailing awkwardness in the air, just ain't very comfortable.

But on the days when i'm left alone, i love spending the day in a coffeeplace somewhere(most probably starbucks) with a book in my hand and the whole day to myself. Quite an idealic setting really.

SO! point is this: Recently i've finally bought this book, "Starbucked" and i've been reading it in starbucks! Now before Isaac or Alson accuses me of trying to lead a pseudo-idyllic life, let me say that the combination is simply brilliant. It is most definitely an interesting read, and it prompted me to think about lot's of stuff.

For e.g. Do you know that seattle harbour contains traces of caffeine?! It came about as a result of human waste that were being dumped inside; showing how much coffee were being consumed on a daily basis in seattle alone. For those who are still unaware, Starbucks first opened its doors in Seattle in 1971, and from then on, its sparked off a GLOBAL coffee-craze, and there was no looking back. and BAM! here we are today, where the mermaid in the green logo probably epitomizes 'globalisation' in the 21st century!

Consider this: How was it that 3 chaps could take a commodity such as coffee, re-package it, charge it 3 times the normal amount for coffee, and still achieve a getaway success?! The answer being, they're selling more than coffee. They're selling GOOD coffee, and most of all, they're selling a lifestyle.

Think about it, Starbucks is a global phenomenon now! It may not represent the same thing to every single individual, but still, in our world of increasing social malady, Starbucks has become the quintessential social hotbed of our generation. Case-in-point: Why is it that everytime we meet up, we choose to meet up in starbucks at liat?

I'd like to think that it was not a result of habit; MY habit in particular, but because that's the most logical and comfortable place to meet, to talk cock over a cup of less-whip java chip frappucino. It just wouldn't be the same if we met up for teh-peng or kopi-peng in Kim San Leng in Bishan. You see my point? We're all sold; and hooked on this lifestyle.

Perhaps, for me personally, Starbucks, particularly starbucks at liat has taken an increasingly important place in my life. It seems cheesy, but hey, its true. Look at it from my perspective:

First and foremost, this is where i usually meet my closest bunch of friends to hang out; people whom i am genuinely comfortable around. That in itself is sthg already.

Two, hate to repeat it again, but that place first took on significance because of you-know-who, and to a certain extent, it still does today.

Three, and most importantly, albeit unexpectedly, because of a certain starbucks barista whom i met. That in itself is an interesting story, and i think its time now to share it with you buggers. In 'starbucked', it was stated that the Baristas(in case hwee pin don't know, baristas are the coffee-makers behind the counter) took on an increasingly important social role to their regular customers; they've become more like friends than the traditional employee-customer relationship..

Well, i dunno bout that, but i think i've upped that statement a notch. I've met this barista(female of course *ahem* *ahem*), and did sthg so stupid and foolish on hindsight that i'd probably not repeat the antic again, and under surprising circumstances, gained a friend, at least on my part, a very good friend.

It is difficult to explain how i feel on my part, but the bottomline is, I am so glad that i plucked up the courage to gain an acquintance. I guess its fair to say that she's taken a somewhat special place in my heart. But where do we go from here? i honestly have no idea. What i do know is that after a very long time of darkness, i finally see a silver lining in life. Perhaps its due to my ORD, perhaps its due to the prospect of UNI starting again, but the thing is, wheneven i step into a starbucks, the first person that comes into mind is her; even in japan.

Isn't it strange how all of these stems from just a starbucks? But i ain't complaining.. :]

Right now, i am eagerly anticipating my Macbook, then i can go to liat and lounge all day with my Macbook in front of me.. Ahh.. that is the life. And isaac, if you're gonna say something about that, i couldn't care less. HAHA!

by ~me~ at 10:30 AM ©

Monday, March 10, 2008
"Think where man's glory most begins and ends,
And say my glory was I had such friends."
- William Yeats

Hey people. It's been awhile seen i posted something here, well mostly cos alson screwed up the log in username and stuff and of course my ignorance to the changes, hence the MIA.

Today i ORD. The day i've been waiting for the past 2 years has finally descended upon me. Yet, this strange feeling of emptiness overcomes me, and after the initial rush of emotions, i'm back to being lost, clueless.

I enjoyed my time in the Army, but i knew, and i still know that my future lies beyond that. Much as i enjoy the regimentation and my work duties, it never struck me as a viable career option. I've always admired the drive that Alvin and Yi Sheng both possess, the knowledge to achieve in life, and the will to work towards it. It's just something that's not in me, and I can honestly say that much as i try to find it, it eludes me. To all my friends who have secured yourselves a place in the University, i congratulate you and i share in your joy, i wish you nothing but the best, for i know, and i am confident that you guys will achieve success.

I take comfort in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." I think it's time i started to take my religion more seriously, to quote Nickelback/Alvin, i've been far away for far too long. I know that there's more to life than that. And i thank God for faith, to believe in the intangible, for i know who holds tomorrow, and i know who holds my hand.

2 years marks the end. No. It marks the begining of things to come. New challenges, new experiences. I'm thankful for getting by and getting high so far with a little help from you guys, my friends.

A toast to friendship. A friendship that will last forever and a day, this i'm sure.

by ~me~ at 2:19 PM ©

there is no good or evil,

we try to become good so that we can survive together.

it is what we do that makes us good or bad.
by ~me~ at 12:46 AM ©

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

by ~me~ at 11:53 PM ©

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